For this assignment we had to essentially revamp our index and utilize all of our knowledge gained over the time we've worked in e-Comm. We are calling it a portfolio because instead of just showing off recent projects, it will portray us with a bio and as someone who knows how to use code and make a website for potential clients.
When I started this project the first thing we needed to do was to come up with a new logo. I had some trouble with this and ended up rejecting idea after idea because none of them felt right. Eventually after spending way too long on it, I settled with this logo. It is an S with two Js next to it and it looks like an infinity sign. Ya know, because some day my websites will be shown in museums across the world for infinity!
Once I finally had the logo, I had something on which I could base the rest of the site off of. I then started to make the home page. This took a while because I knew that if I could get that perfect it would work as a template for the rest of the pages. From there it was just a simple save as new file and then put in all the content.
This project definitely stretched my memory and I had to re-teach myself some of the details of the website. One of which was if you move the mouse over a project and the name appears. It had been close to two years since that project and I hadn't used it since. But after a short time of reviewing the process I was back at it again. I also realized that I need to manage my time better. I wasted too much time worrying about the logo and home page that I ended up doing not as great a job on some of the other parts of the site.
Looking back I do wish that I could have told myself not to focus on only certain things. I should have just gotten the whole of it done and then worry about the small details. After finishing the project it just seems silly that I focused on some of the less important things. But, ya win some and lose some, at least its a pretty nice site. I definitely would keep some of the design aspects if I had to do it again because they are spectacular.
The ideas and retrospective thoughts that I had during this project will hopefully be implemented in the next installment of my amazing artwork! *snobbish laughter* I will certainly be looking out and watching my time with the next one.
Well, I think that's it. Thanks for enduring another one of my posts.
Until next we meet,
Jake Smith