Friday, September 12, 2014

Statue Man

In this project we had to come up with an original character and then animate then to life. My character is Statueman, I wanted to make a superhero that had a power nobody else had come up with. So, as the name implies he turns into a statue.

Next, we had to make our character walk across the screen using Adobe After Effects. With the design of my character the only issue I had was that his legs are bent and it looked a little weird while he was walking. The only issue I had with the keyframes themselves was when I first started moving the legs and I made then go backwards instead of going forward. To make the character walk I first had to create a new composition inside the composition(like Inception) where I made the legs move back and forth. Next I had to put in all of the points of where the character's legs were going. After that I had to time the positions correctly so that one legs was moving foreword and one was moving backwards. Lastly I then made the legs attach to the body and made all of it move across the screen.

During this project I learned how to make all of the parts of a body stay together and make it look like an actual person, I also learned how to make one part of the body move while another part needs to move differently, and lastly I learned how to use a composition inside of a composition. If I could redo this project I might actually show that he has super powers. I feel like I did a pretty good job on the animation, there could be some things I could have touched up some things but overall I feel really good about this project.

Here is the finished product after our critique on Friday, the only thing I really changed was fixing the buildings and making him walking on the building look more realistic.

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